Spiritual Being - Tumblr Posts
The more our state of consciousness is relaxed, the more we attract what is for us.
“The essential lesson I've learned in life is to just be yourself. Treasure the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost you're not here as a human being only. You're a spiritual being having a human experience.”
—Wayne Dyer
“You aren't your work, your accomplishments, your possessions, your home, your family... your anything. You're a creation of your Source, dressed in a physical human body intended to experience and enjoy life on Earth.”
—Wayne Dyer
"Jewels of Truth" Reading From Volume 2, A Statement On "Spiritual Being"
Spiritual Being: Material things do not make us as persons or as a spirit. Material things are only tools for living a physical lifestyle. Be it for business or pleasure, they are a means to an end. What does make us as people or souls is our emotions, thoughts, memories, judgements, understanding, experiences, and especially our loves and fears. These are the attributes that make up a person for good or ill in this one life we're able to experience right now. Nothing else can fully describe the sensation of life clearly enough without a dynamic and vital consciousness. In order to appreciate all its intricacies from beginning to an end as the framework of our own unique spiritual essence. Our signature upon the Divine on us as we attempt to comprehend our own existence. Through the various religions, philosophies, or ideologies that speak loudest to us as souls. No material solution can ever satisfy such a need or identity and our role in life. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. "Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul", Volume 2 pg. 157-158
Jewels of Truth Statement: "There Is Only Heaven, There Is No Right or Wrong, There Is Only Paradise"
Hello All, Sorry for the lack of updates this past week. My family experienced a passing of a very dear relative which I also was one of two health care surrogates. So loads of responsibilities in dealing with all the loose ends. While I have been reflective during this transition for my aunt moving onto her rebirth into immaculate divinity. I reached out to my dad to talk a bit about what I do. To my surprise he was very understanding and cool about it. He stated my writings or my psychic gifts reminds him of the author "Neale Donald Walsh" of "Conversations with God" fame. Mr. Walsh also utilized automatic writing to pen his first 3 channeled books. I'm guilty to say I haven't read any of his material until yesterday I read a sneak peak via Amazon's free preview of the 3 books compilation. What I came across in reading Mr. Walsh's channeled material disturbed me that all there exists is Heaven without wrong or right. That the earthly monster of Hitler went to Heaven or Paradise as well. When that hit my comprehension I reeled, so I solicited my Angels to confirm if this is true or not. As I channeled as a medium they state "Neale Donald Walsh" wasn't mistaken or naively incorrect. So I began to assemble the pieces of this meta-physical puzzle to make sense of this conundrum. My Angels have always told me not to ever condemn anyone, not even evil people. So one puzzle piece there. Than I stated the phrase of "The Kybalion" I picked up from "Doreen Virtues" book called "Divine Magic". It states: "As above, so below, as below, so above. ---The Kybalion." I've always instinctively knew this, but I never had articulated it until I read that above phrase as an esoteric comprehension. So consider this 2nd piece of the puzzle. The third piece of the puzzle is that all entities as souls are evolving even the evil ones. As the Holy Light came born out of darkness as in Oblivion so do all souls in eternity eventually grow into the Divine Light.Using simple deductive statements my Angels as my teachers unraveled this enigma with me compassionately so. Previously when I heard statements from "New Agers" that all souls go to heaven even evil people on Earth. Frankly I thought they were polly anna wishy washy hippy new agers without a clue as to evil's presence. Naive at best, disillusioned at worst. Noting I was raised in a "Roman Catholic" household as a child by my mother. Well I was Wrong. The "New Agers" be they hippies or not were absolutely right, but not in the manner they would expect to be in truth. Below is a freshly penned "Jewels of Truth" statement #1687 of which I'm still Stunned and Dazed for having channeled. It's not for the faint of heart and in many ways is mystical esoteric knowledge which I'm still digesting myself. So even if you disagree with the premise, which I wouldn't blame you. I guess like they say "Ignorance is Bliss". Paradise: 1687) There is only Heaven, for hell is another name of paradise for the wicked. For God to Will to be No Right or Wrong in the Spiritual Realms. Leaves only joy for paradise to be complete for the merciful and the accursed. Hell does exist, but not in the manner it is considered. For hell becomes a heaven for all manner of vile entity. A spiteful place that torment brings delight to all the wicked ones. Only in the physical universe does it appear that Hell is Punishment for the evil doers. This is merely the illusion of conflict that holds no weight in the spiritual realms of being. All in Spirit is an Inclusive Singularity known as God(dess) there is never any dichotomy unlike in the physical Creation(s). Yet still it is only the naive or immature constantly evolving that such fallacies are bonafide as Divine Law. God(dess), is infallible for all to be heaven or paradise for all souls. Is to decree that even the hellish realms to be a place of delight to the "Children of Oblivion". So no right or wrong is there just a relative truth in being a soul in our holy Creation. No one entity is cast out all have free will to choose their flavor of paradise or existence in Spirit. Only in a mode of evolutionary thought do souls awaken to this nature of God's ultimate being when they are ready to move onward triumphantly so. Humanity wasn't entirely mistaken about hell. Just that such realms of torment in a masochistic sadist expression brings pleasure to the dark ones. That is there nature as an instrument of growing as an eternal soul. From the perpetual darkness into an eventual perpetual Light in all forms of inclusive realities. This truth is only for the souls ready to awaken. The rest will decry our statement out of fear and complacency. For all souls to go to heaven means even the devils have a paradise known as hell. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month
Hello All, As of late I am now realizing I've come close to completing Volume 5 of the "Jewels of Truth" series of spiritual wisdom. (at #1806 in count out of #1825) I wanted to relay beyond the 365 in count for each of my first two volumes in the series. This blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" has 404 "Jewels of Truth" statements included going all the way back to July 2005. So it goes without saying you my readers are welcome to dig through this freely offered resource. In order to enlighten and to broaden your personal faiths of whichever esteemed traditions are yours with God(dess). I always emphasize the universal and inclusive in all my spiritual wisdom writings. For the Angels in me would have it no other way by their holy grace as I channel their inner light through my writings. Today's trio of "Jewels of Truth" statements are on the topics of: Religion, Signs, and Simplicity. In the series of #1051-1053 written originally in mid August 2010. So please enjoy them and may they expand your desires in the divine in each of us. Even if you disagree with part or all of what I'm espousing herein with my dharma.
http://atrayosoracle.blogspot.com/ ----------------------------------------------- Religion: 1051) As we call "Jesus the Christ" the "King of Kings". We also call our Father who art in Heaven and within our souls the "God of gods". We do this in praise and in sincere truth for how we may worship our maker God. By giving thanks that "Jesus the Christ" has come our way as savior to many and prophet as Isa (Jesus) to others yet still. No matter our origin in spiritual faith or religious traditions we are all one as brothers and sisters within the "Spirit of God" as our witness. We must not forget this sweet eternal truth lest we repeat the generations of perceived separation that promotes misunderstanding, if not worse violence. We are the masters of fate to some or the fools of the ages to many more. What we truly are is loved by God our Creator. No matter how dear and in what manner we choose to return this love back to him in our mutual sacred worship of his majestic presence. Blessed be the peace makers for Heaven and Earth is fully real to them as a living grace. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Signs: 1052) There is a stark difference between a superstition and an omen of fate. A superstition can often lead to a very false belief from an obsessive place of fear. That such and such an occurrence is indicative of certain influences to cause havoc in a person's life. That only compulsive actions or resources are the only panacea to avert an ill effect of a superstition. This all stems from the era of ignorance where magic was misunderstood. By foolish people making attempts to appease the gods in such vain expressions. Superstitions are coping mechanisms of the mind by giving a false belief power over their own reality, if not plain immunity from an occurrence. Unlike an omen where an event can be a showcase of a spiritual signal from the ancestors of things yet to come. Only with forethought and appreciation can the signs be deciphered with wisdom and humility. Omens are sign posts of a neutral fashion be they blessed or cautionary revealing to those in audience of what may be just around the bend. If good news then do indeed appreciate the benediction in your life with a silent prayer of thanks to God. Otherwise a cautionary indication is a portent to be alert and aware of your surroundings listening deeply to your intuition. Often omens are manifested by coincidences where they are the subtle happenings for the spiritually astute to listen with respect to what is being shown. Lest one invites misfortune to herald a worse experience farther along the way. Be sensible do not go out of your way by causing a panic when a cautionary omen appears. The omen may be more sublime in symbolism then actual objective acts that occur. Always give thanks even for the cautionary omens for your guardian angels and your loved ones in spirit are closer to you than any misfortune. Be still and feel such a grace and allow it to inspire you to live well and in good order. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Simplicity: 1053) For those that seek to accomplish great things in a lifetime. It is for those tasks to conduct yourselves in a simple if not a sublime outlook. The reason for this is that all great things that are truly simple are genius in disguise by a universal scope in all things. The contrary is also true that all complicated convoluted expressions lead to malfunctions of various orders of like kind. The wisdom to know this difference for a designer or an engineer is often pivotal in the philosophy of creation of much needed endeavors. In ones personal life such an attitude leads often to subtle shifts that embark the person to a place of holy wonder and appreciation. Leading others in such an outlook instills constructive values of foresight and preparation. Be humble with gratitude when living by such a tenet of experiences in ones life. Be it to positively affect yourselves or any organization you swear your attention upon with time in terms of management and productivity. No matter the intent of your strategic proposals that is being sought after. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. ------------------------------------------ Am I now seeking human approval, or God's approval? ... If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant of Christ. ---Galatians 1:10 Do not condemn self. Condemning of self is as much of an error as condemning others. ---Edgar Cayce. Reading 3292-1 Where does it all lead? What will become of us? ... It leads to each other. We become ourselves. ---Patti Smith. We will be known forever by the tracks we leave. ---Dakota proverb. If you have much, give of your wealth; If you have little, give of your heart. ---Arab proverb.