Queuekitty - Tumblr Posts
“I crave the most innocent parts of a relationship. Like holding hands, forehead kisses and being able to tell someone how much I adore them…”
as you get older, you realize that you’re not always right and there’s so many things you could’ve handled better, so many situations where you could’ve been kinder and all you can really do is forgive yourself and let your mistakes make you a better person.
Unknown (via thoughtkick)
I don’t have anything to prove to anybody, which is a lovely place to be.
Edward Norton (via quotemadness)
I think part of the reason why we hold on to something so tightly is because we fear something as great won’t happen twice.
Unknown (via quotemadness)
Don’t compare yourself to others. That’s when you start to lose confidence in yourself.
Will Smith (via quotemadness)
me, sternly, to a blank google doc: i have written hundreds of thousands of words over the course of my life. you won’t defeat me.
the cursor, blinking: |
You literally dont need anyone. Go out and get a coffee and dessert and sit by yourself. Go out to a high end store and buy yourself something nice. Stop waiting until you have a group of “friends” to have fun. Take time to explore what you like and don’t. In the end you are your own best friend forever. Be kind to yourself and go live your best life 💗🏹.